It’s finally here! I’m excited to share the news that my book The 8 Words That Liars Use is available now.
In it, I share a really simple process for detecting whether the words you hear are truthful or false. If you’re a true crime fan and want a better grasp of who’s suspicious and who’s honest, this will take you to the next level.
If you deal with the public in your job, this could make your life a lot easier. People who worry that their partners or children are lying to them can get right to the heart of their issues using this book. And if you’re dating and constantly wondering if your match looks too good to be true, here’s a way to find out.
The book lays out The 8 Words That Liars Use, how others will use them deceptively with you and share examples of famous lies that use the 8 words. Using the process gives you an early warning system to alert you when the words you hear are potentially deceptive
Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Ian Huntley, John Wayne Gacy, Amber Heard and Tom Cruise all put in an appearance.
If you’re in the UK you can order the book here on Amazon
And for the US and the rest of the world use this link here to order
Here’s a review from a preview reader:
“I was cynical about the claims made by this author, but curious enough to want to read more. How can you spot a liar from 8 words? I read the book through more than once. Each time, the cynic in me tried to find a fault with what I was reading. However, by using my own written words as a baseline, I could see that I had been deceptive when using these 8 words in my conversations. If I am using these words and being deceptive, then who else around me is also being deceptive…?
I now spot when I need to take a deeper look into what I am being told. This is one of those ‘life manuals’ that brought me so much and I would recommend it to anyone - cynic or not. Brilliant and insightful.”
Wow, congrats!