On this page you’ll find the words that are analysed in the first episode of The Words of West Cork Podcast.
If you have any comments, questions or queries on the episode please leave them in the comments at the bottom of this article. Or email info@neveratruerword.com if you’d prefer. We’ll incorporate some of the feedback into the final episode of the podcast.
Ian Bailey - early post-arrest interview
It was made absolutely certain to me by all my interrogating officers that I was the murderer. They had no doubt, they knew it was me. They just needed me to confess, but I can account for all of my movements during the period. If they had evidence I wouldn't be here talking to you. I wouldn't have been released.
I know I-I’m innocent. I had nothing to do with this killing.
Ian Bailey - another early post-arrest interview
Well, for-for twelve hours, I was subjected to a barrage of questioning from different officers between 10 to a dozen officers. There was one common theme that went on throughout this that they knew that I was the killer, they were convinced.
(Did you know Sophie Toscan du Plantier?)
I didn't know in as much that I'd never met her. But I'd seen her once and she was pointed out to me.
(But you're saying to me here, you didn't kill Sophie Duplantier. Nor did you have any part in that?)
I'm saying to you that I didn't kill her. I had no knowledge of the killing and I’m an innocent man.
Ian Bailey - on Sophie
(Had you any previous knowledge of this woman, had you met her before, were you aquatinted with her, had you seen her before?)
Eh. I had never met her I never been introduced to her. I've never spoken to her .
(Did you know Sophie Toscan Du Plantier?)
I didn’t know her in as much that I've never met her, but I had seen her once and she was pointed out to me.
(Did you know (question in French)?)
Never met her, never spoken with her, I’d seen her on one occasion and it was pointed out by a neighbour.
Ian Bailey - talking recently about Sophie
And I saw somebody in the house who I think may have been her from a distance. I never seen eh eh her at any close range.
(This is all through a window and….)
Yes, and no, no detail, no, ummmm I wou-I wouldn't have known who she was. I wouldn't have been able to pick her out, for instance, in…in.. erm…I wouldn't have known her…
(So when you saw her picture in the paper subsequently that was the first time…)
I didn’t. I … didn’t ring any bells at all.
Ian Bailey - why did he give so many interviews?
But, my instinct is if I had nothing to do with the thing I was being accused of, I'm not going to remain silent
Is it a possibility he was stalking her?