I find the order of events not convincing:

so I asked for it back, swiped up to see my most recent tabs and saw that he was looking through all my photographs from years ago.

but then:

I snatched the phone off the counter but he grabbed my arm and scratched me really hard.

So in between these 2 events, she put it back on the counter? I don't think so. First, the phone seems to be working when she looks up the history (why would she put it back?). Second, photos will not come up in the order they are looked up when they are stored in the picture file. Third, if the phone is obviously working, and she just felt emotionally violated, she would not let go of that phone again and put it back on the counter. But even if she did for a second, and then snatched it back, how was the person able to grab her arm (not hand, not finger, not anything that would be closer to him) and scratch her? Why would he even try grabbing her when she is the customer reaching for HER phone?

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