Further to what you said:

I was still in my car, but noticed my son got out to get his baseball gear out of the back of his truck.

He introduces the element of time with "still in my car", followed by BUT. But what? Where is the opposite of being still in the car? Well, it would be being outside the car. Noticed denotes something that is expected.

I looked down to check a work email.

It is not necessary to say "looked down". He could have said: I checked a work email. Looking down is important to him - I couldn't have seen what was going on!

And the next thing I know, I hear see the truck, rollig backwards into the ditch. I get out of my car, to try to find my son, and saw that he was trapped underneath the truck, and immediately called 911.

hear,+see - that is interesting, as if stumbling over words. But he is writing, not talking, so it does stand out a bit. Maybe he couldn't decide which sensory perception to describe - did I hear it first or did I see it first?

I get out of my car, to try to find my son - unsolicited explanation. Was he asked: why did you get out of the car? No. It is expected that he got out of the car. To try to find my son - not to find my son, just to try it. Where could he be that finding him is so difficult? Or is this distancing language, being reluctant to look for him/find him injured?

I find many deception indicators. The only thing missing; swear to god, officer, this is the honest truth.

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This is a fascinating analysis. One would think had Grant been hit and dragged by his truck that he would have yelled either for help or in pain and that Aaron would have heard that sound.

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Thank you Amy. I had the same thought on sound. The description is so sparse on anything it beggars my belief.

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