I’m not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work, there, Lou. Channeling Marge Gunderson....

Louise: Help - There’s erm.. a baby, he’s barely breathing. I think he choked on his vomit.

She starts with help. She has already dialed 911, this is the best way to get help. What is the most important thing? Not asking for help. They know that people need help when you call them. The most important thing is - where is the emergency, and what is the nature of the emergency. Ok, I'll give her a pass on the first help. But then - there's erm ... a baby. It could not be more distancing language. There is - no, no baby just appeared out of nowhere. This is also not "a baby". This is the baby she was supposed to watch. The distancing language is completely inappropriate. The language would fit if she went for a walk and found a baby lying in the bushes. Next: I think he choked on his vomit. She is already explaining. Unnecessary. She does not say that she KNOWS what happened. She thinks this is what happened. Why the need to say it?

Help! He’s not breathing, he’s barely breathing. He’s not focusing with his eyes.

The next help. Now I don't give her a pass any longer. We are entering storytelling now. Rehearsed, following a script. This is how a person who has seen too many movies thinks 911 call should sound. In reality, they don't. Innocent people are laser-focused on the person that needs help. This is a free-floating "help".

Oh my god. He’s stopped breathing again. He’s making…oh my god.

So he stopped breathing before? Probably some time passed before she decided to call 911.

I just opened the door for the guy...

Ok. Now police has arrived. Help has arrived. The person(s) who can save the baby. Who is that person? The guy. Not the police, not them, the guy. Distancing.

In here, in here, in here. Oh my God I think he choked on his vomit. He’s barely breathing.

She repeats her "explanation". No reason to do that. Help is here. They know what to do. Guessing what might have happened is not helpful. She is deflecting from what she knows has happened, which was not choking on vomit.

I see more red flags than I can count.

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Thanks for the breakdown. Please remember this is a transcript that is missing quite a lot. However there are a couple of things you raised that become pertinent in the next posts. Stay tuned!

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I will! I could go on and on about this sentence: Help - There’s erm.. a baby, he’s barely breathing. I think he choked on his vomit.

There should be a sense of urgency - the Help in the beginning is actually slowing down the narrative. To me it is pure storytelling. The hesitation erm... again slowing down. Her explanation when none is required. It can even hurt, the paramedics could (hopefully not) be mislead into a different direction and miss the real problem.

I disagree that guilty people don't ask for help in 911 calls. I'd say guilty people ask for help for themselves, while innocent people ask for help for the person actually needing help, which is their main focus. Now in her case, we see at least three instances of help. Who does she ask for? It's neither herself, nor the injured party. It is free-floating "helps", unattached. That's why I say this is storytelling. It's what she thinks she should say.

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